1999 Chicago
The 1999 University of Chicago quiz bowl team won 1999 College Bowl Nationals, 1999 ACF Nationals and 1999 ICT. The team featured first-year grad student Andrew Yaphe, alongside Ryan Scranton, Sarah Bagby, Jeffrey Bennet, and Matthew Gealy (and perhaps others who played in place of one or more of the above at ICT or CBI) [1].
Recently, Yaphe has claimed that this team was the most dominant quizbowl team of his career, compared at least to the field it had to play [2].
This is the only known collegiate team to have gone undefeated in mainstream quizbowl for the entire year; according to the Chicago team page, the A team's total record at NAQT/ACF style tournaments was 70-0. The College Bowl team (not featuring NAQT/ACF A-team members Andrew Yaphe or Sarah Bagby) did lose several games at that tournament on the way to winning the championship there.