California Cup

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The California Cup is a series of tournaments held annually at UC Berkeley


During the 2012-2013 school year, the Quiz Bowl team at Berkeley hosted the inaugural California Cup, a series of quiz bowl tournaments that challenged local high school teams to face off for pride and prizes, including gift cards, books, and trophies! These tournaments also qualified teams to compete at national quiz bowl tournaments, including HSNCT and the National Scholastics Championship.

In the Varsity division, Escobar's top team received the inaugural California Cup, placing first in three of the four tournaments! Escobar's second team were runners-up. In the JV division, newcomers Amador Valley finished first, with two wins (using two different squads) and another high placing. Escobar's top JV team was awarded for its second-place finish. Amador Valley also received an award as the "Best New Team".

In all, this year's California Cup brought high-quality competition (generally between 10 and 12 rounds per tournament) to at least 45 distinct teams, introduced good Quiz Bowl to at least fifteen different new schools, shattered Northern California tournament attendance records multiple times (attracting as many as 32 teams when the norm last year was between 8 and 12), helped foster the growth of a circuit in Sacramento, and attracted teams from as far as Southern California and Mississippi. The best is yet to come, however. By an objective account, Northern California teams are more prepared than ever for the rigor of national-level tournaments. Next year, the California Cup series will be back, with its figurative eye once again on greater tournament attendance, an unparalleled tournament experience, and a more intense commitment to investing in the growth of this circuit and others.

For more information, visit


California Cup #1 (December 8, 2012, NAQT IS #120 and #121A)

California Cup #2 (January 19, 2013, LIST)

California Cup #3 (February 10, 2013, GSAC)

California Cup #4 (March 16, 2013, BDAT)


UC Berkeley hosted the 2nd annual Cal Cup series of tournaments during the 2013-2014 school year.


California Cup #1 (November 9, 2013, BISB)

California Cup #2 (November 23, 2013, NAQT IS #130 and #129A)

California Cup #3 (January 19, 2014, GSAC; varsity only)

California Cup #4 (February 1, 2014; LIST)

California Cup #5 (April 19, 2014; NAQT IS #141A; jv only)


Details for the third season of California Cup are here. The last two tournaments will take place on February 21 and March 7.


California Cup #1 (November 1, 2014; HSAPQ #53 and SCOP Novice)

California Cup #2 (November 22, 2014; NAQT IS #140 and #141A)