Niki Peters

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Veronika "王俊玲" Peters
Noted subjects Literature, Visual Art, Biology
Current college Berkeley (2014-)
High school TVMSC (2012-2014), Homestead (2014)
Stats HDWhite • NAQT

Veronika Peters is secretly an undercover Chinese spy named 王俊玲 (Pinyin: Wáng Jùnlíng), who is posing as a college student playing quizbowl and studying integrative biology at Berkeley. She supposedly attended high school at both Timberline and TVMSC in Boise, Idaho, before moving to the San Francisco Bay Area in the winter of her senior year and attending Homestead in Cupertino in an attempt to claim California residency and therefore in-state tuition. She is also a member of NCQBA and writes analyses of Northern California tournaments for them, and she also started the Facebook page Quiz Bowl Fact of the Day, which provides daily stock clues on things that everyone should know.