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Hari's Academic Regular- Invitational
Competition season 2021-2022
Head editor(s) Natan Holtzman
Difficulty 2 dots
First mirror 10/2/2022
Announcement link

HARI (Hari's Academic Regular- Invitational) is a college set written for Fall 2021 by various writers associated with BLMAGT. The tournament was head-edited by Natan Holtzman with logistics organized by Hari Parameswaran. It was aimed at 2 dots, similar to previous iterations of Early Fall Tournament.

The set's editors included Hari Parameswaran, Ethan Strombeck, Michael Li, William Groger, Geoffrey Chen, Chris Tong, and Walter Zhang. Nearly 2/3 of the set was written by Arjun Nageswaran, Hari, and Walter.