Re: From the Terrapin TD

I never said that the Advantages had to be
eliminated. You simply can't! However, they can be minimized
whenever possible. For one example, schedule such that two
Virginia teams play each other on the third team's packet.
Further, I think Swisdak said it best: avoiding it
altogether becomes logistical hell. But if you simply
schedule teams in such a way that Inherent Advantage is
minimized, all shall be well.

As for teams not
attending: you excuse George Mason but not GW, who was kinda
busy running their own tournament the same weekend?
Shame. And the rest have this issue called funding. I
know Duke has very limited funds which prevented us
from attending the Terrapin, especially when forced to
choose between that and NAQT Conferences. These same
monetary issues meant we only attended three tournaments
last year. (Translation: Funding? What's that?) And
even if money were there, not everyone wants to attend
every weekend or close to it. With Conferences the next
week and TRASH regionals the same weekend, burnout
does become a factor.

On the whole, there's two
words I would like to say: LIGHTEN UP! Someone a few
posts ago said "quizbowl is not life, and life is not
quizbowl". That's still true... right?


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