Re: Just a Question - kind of long

"Also, College Bowl trademarking its name is
representative of CBCI's attempt to monopolize the game. A lot
of people are offended by that and don't wish to pay
any sort of homage to CBCI."

As Anthony
mentioned in his post, it is not the trademarking of the
name that really offends anyone. I would assume NAQT
has also trademarked its name. I still refer to the
game as a whole as "college bowl" when discussing the
game with people outside of the quizbowl community
(they tend to have actually heard of it). Trademarking
is pretty much required these days to protect a
company's commercial interests. I would futher assume
(hope?) that even the most anti-CBCI person would agree
that CBCI has the right to sell its own questions
under its own name without fear of the name being used
by a competing company (even if he or she thinks
they are overpriced and of a low quality.)

CBCI's claim that it holds a copyright in the game
format that tends to tick people off. If I recall
correctly, the claim encompasses any game comprised of
tossups and bonuses. Previous threats of legal action on
this basis have been aimed at circuit tournaments. As
a result, many people have been turned off to the
"College Bowl" format for reasons other than the questions

That said, does anyone know the current position of
the College Bowl folks? It seems they have been quiet
as of late. It has been generally accepted by us
circuit-folk that if NAQT or a similar organization were to
attempt to be televised on a large scale (is this even a
long-term goal of NAQT?), the threats would likely resume.
Perhaps we have simply reached a detente of sorts.

It should be said that CBCI has generally been more
responsive to the concerns of the circuit regarding the
content/quality of their questions; and as a result, there has
been an improvement in the question quality. College
Bowl as a product is still not for everyone, and that
is probably the way it always will be. Although it
is possible to write good shorter questions in a
pyramidical style, I think most people will agree it is more
difficult. (Some would argue NAQT has shown this can be
done, but NAQT questions as compared to the CBCI Campus
and RCT questions tend to average an entire extra
sentence in length.) Question length may also have some
effect on the (narrow) breadth of the College Bowl
canon. They do, however, make the game faster paced, an
aspect of the format I wnjoy. To be honest, I probably
prefer playing on CBCI questions. I just wish these
games could be against a larger portion of the quizbowl

Well, I have rambled a bit too much as is.

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