Gateway Invitational Tournament

Hello!  23 teams came to Wash U in St. Louis this morning for GIT 
VIII.  Little did we know, we ended up with a set of questions from 
NAQT that 7 teams had already heard at a previous tournament.  Thus, 
first, I would like to thank all the teams for their patience while 
we worked to find a solution as well as Eric Hillemann and Craig 
Barker from NAQT who were able to help us get a solution.  

Once game play commenced, everything ran very well.  In Division I, 
UIUC A ended the full round-robin with an 8-0 record for first 
place.  Second place was DePauw A with a 6-2 record.

In Division 2, we broke the 14 teams into two brackets of 7, did a 
full round-robin and then some power matching.  After this, UIUC B 
was 9-0 and Kansas A was 8-1.  We then began a best two-of-three 
final with Illinois having a one game advantage.  Illinois won the 
first game 495-130 and thus the championship.

I would like to thank all the members of WUAT who gave up their 
Saturday to help out.  I would especially like to thank Paul Nelson 
from Rolla, Brian Ulrich from Wisconsin(by the way, your school left 
without paying...please email me and I'll give you an address to mail 
the check to), and Mike from Henderson State.  We really appreciate 
you reading and helping us out! 

Full stats and standings will follow shortly...I need some sleep 
now!  I look forward to hearing comments from people about the GIT.

Joel Gluskin
WUAT President/WUHSAC Director

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