ACF Fall Midsouth Stats

Tournament Allstars were Vernon of South Carolina, Robert Osborne of 
Kentucky A, Robert Trent of Vanderbilt, Seth Kendall of Kentucky A, 
and Tournament MVP was Wesley Mathews of Indiana. Congrats to them, 
and all other players. 

*playoff round performance was taken into account when determining 
all star awards.

as far as I can discern from the stats given me, Jason of Emory C was 
the top DII score. Kudos Jason. 

Overall Individuals Stats Looked Like this for the top 15 scorers. If 
we ever get out webpage made, we might post full indies there.

                          GP  +10   -5    Pts    PPG      TU/-5

Wesley, Ind               11  102   11    965    87.73     9.27
Robert, Vandy             11  103   18    940    85.45     5.72
Seth, Ken A               11   83    4    810    73.64    20.75
Vernon, USC               11   88   20    780    70.91     4.4
Toby, Sewanee              8   46    0    460    57.50     N/A
Jason, UAB                 9   63   25    505    56.11     2.52
Robert, Ken A             11   61   14    540    49.09     4.36
Saurabh, GaTech            9   46    9    415    46.11     5.11
Richardson, Ken C          9   45    8    410    45.56     5.62
Jason, Emory C             8   34    3    325    40.62    11.33
Jake,  Emory A            11   48    9    435    39.55     5.33
Steve, Emory A            11   43    5    405    36.82     8.60
Avi,   Emory B             8   35    2    340    30.91     17.50
Lakedra, Emory C           8   25    1    245    30.62     25.00
Nate, Ken B                9   32    9    275    30.56     3.56


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