Re: ACF and TRASH expansion

> Aren't those practically the three most famous Hemingway stories? 
> The only other one I could think of was "A Clean, Well-Lighted 
> Place." Granted I don't like or read Hemingway, but those three I 
> definitely have heard of even in high school.

Depends whether you read Hemingway in high school (didn't in my 
county).  "Macomber" is pretty famous, but I personally don't think 
the other two are; of my four lit references, "The Killers" gets a 
passing mention in Benet's only, and the "Elephants" one doesn't get 
mentioned at all.

btw, how about "The Snows of Kilimanjaro"?  That's the one I'm most 
familiar with.


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