tournament dates...

Having a Nats on Easter weekend is troublesome due to increased air-
fares (many of the normally economical AirTran fares to Atlanta were 
not available for this past weekend--it is likely that for many teams 
it was cheaper to fly to the NAQT ICT then ACF Nats) question is-
-how many teams would really be bent out of shape if ACF occupied the 
same weekend as CBI...I doubt ACF would even lose a team and no doubt 
would tick off 2 or 3 players...but may very well make up for that 
with increased attendance from others...

my 3 cents, nathan

P.S.  Why did Michigan B anticipate a Nats tournament ending at 7:00 
p.m...who schedules a flight out the night of a tournament?  That's 
just strange...they have no cause for complaint....

P.P.S.  Although ensuring consistency in bonus difficult is a 
legitimate concern (as is attempting to keep packets relatively close 
in overall difficulty) don't understand the point of ACF if you 
think that having an obscure tossup followed by a hyper-accessible 
one is somehow intrinsically flawed...there is nothing wrong with 
having a tossup on Svevo followed by one on Shakespeare so long as 
they are both pyramidal in structure....

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