GIT/TRASH Regs. Announcement

WUAT is pleased to announce that it's ninth Gateway Invitational 
Tournament will be held on Saturday, November 8th.  The questions 
will be provided by NAQT (IS 39), and should be ideal for younger, D2 
oriented teams as has been the case in recent years.  More info. will 
follow as we get closer to the date, but for now, GIT's tournament 
director will once again by Joel Gluskin ( jagluski AT SYMBOL ).  

As previously announced by James Dinan, we will also host TRASH 
Regionals that weekend on Sunday, the 9th.  Why should you come to 
WUSTL's when there's like a jillion in the midwest?  Simple.  Cool 
prizes that will make your skin crawl and....well at the moment, we 
just got that.  Come anyway, it'll be fun.  More info. (pay 
structure, where the tournament is located on campus, etc.) will be 
coming later and the TD is yours truly, Sean Phillips ( allythin AT 

Hope to see everyone in November.

Sean Phillips
Vice-President of WUAT

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