Re: HS tourney lists?

The most comprehensive website listing of high school tournaments is

I recommend you not limit your "history bowl" to AP students since 
many non-AP students will be interested as well.

I am not sure if you are interesting in playing college bowl 
anymore, but if you are, I know of at least one other person at 
Georgetown you can team up with.  The University of Maryland is 
running tournaments the last weekend of October and first weekend of 
November.  Shoot me an email if you are interested.

Daniel Greenstein
Maryland Academic Quiz Team
dgreens at

--- In, Smokey Ardisson <alqahira_at_m...> 
> Greetings.  I doubt anyone here will know or have heard of me, but 
> brief intro just to be polite.  Smokey Ardisson, formerly of Berry 
> College in the "glory years" of the mid-late 90s.  I'm now at 
> Georgetown U and I've been off the circuit since finishing at 
> so a lot of my old contacts and URLs are no longer good.
> Georgetown U's chapter of Phi Alpha Theta, the history honor 
> is planning on holding a small "history bowl" for DC-area AP 
> this spring...tentatively March 20.  Under the theory that AP 
> students are also likely to be the mainstays of their HS quizbowl 
> teams, I'm trying to find out if that date presents any major 
> conflicts for us.  Any conflicts, or the URL to a HS tourney 
> would be most appreciated!
> Thanks!
> -- 
> Smokey Ardisson
> Co-President, Beta Pi Chapter, Phi Alpha Theta
> Graduate Student in Middle Eastern and African History
> Georgetown University
> alqahira_at_m...
> ------------------------------------------
> "He is a fool who has forgotten what became of his ancestry
> seven generations before him and who does not care what will
> become of his progeny seven generations after him."
>            --Kazakh Proverb

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