Re: Follow your nose

> One last point.  Having played for a few years, I have heard
> Stern-Gerlach and Davisson-Germer come up as both tossup and bonus
> answers and have a dim recognition of the other experiment.  This 
> not mean that those three experiments are legitimate subject matter
> for the same Penn Bowl bonus.

As a non-graduate student in physics, I learned about all three of 
those experiments in my first semester of QM. I'll concede that 
neither Davisson-Germer nor Franck-Hertz are particularly obvious, 
but any 3rd year physics student ought to be able to pull at least 
one of those.

Having played at the Cardinal Classic mirror, I was actually 
pleasantly surprised by the question quality for the most part. 
There were no hoses that I remember and as far as I could tell the 
questions were well-written and accurate in their clues. Several 
packets did have disproportionately difficult bonuses for some 
reason (internal workings of the EU constitution, anyone?) but 
overall I found little cause for complaint, though I did get the 
feel that the literature distribution was slightly skewed in favor 
of Latin American authors as mentioned before. That, however, might 
just be the popular thing to write about and not really all that bad 
in and of itself.


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