Name That Tune -- Request for Suggestions

I just held a cracking good Albuquerque-area Name That
Tune (non-copywritten name pending) party-ish thing
last night.  Things went nearly perfectly, w/ only a
few snafus -- one on my end, one or two on the

Anyways, I'm writing to see if anyone has any ideas
for tweaking the rules that I used last night.  Some
of them were flat stolen from K-TEL Hell.  Some of
them were (IMHO) necessary improvements on said rules.
 Some of them were for trial purposes.  Almost all of
them could probably use a few folks' input.

JFTR, there was a written portion and a buzzer

Please write back to this here Y! ID if you'd like in
on the rules finalization.  I'll pass along a sheet w/
my idea of how such a game should be run, and we can
discuss in private e-mail conversation.  Thx.


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