Another NAQT Canada (East) Field update and tentative discounts

Hey everyone,

I've received a lot of response in the past little while from teams, so I 
wanted to send out another update to let everyone know where we stand. Also, 
this update will include the tentative discounts (buzzer, scorekeeper, 
moderator, distance) each school has signed up for (note that distance 
discounts apply to every team from a school). You don't need to confirm your 
discounts until we get closer to tournament day, but just let me know if the 
stuff I have here is way off, and if you can confirm them, all the better.

This listing does not include any teams McGill might enter. At the very 
least, we will ensure a full field for D-I from house teams.

Here goes:



Alfred A (Buzzer, distance x2)
Ottawa A (Buzzer)


Alfred B
Laurentian (new team)
McMaster A (distance)
Ottawa B
Queen's A (2 buzzers)
Queen's B
Rochester C (possible moderator, distance)
Rochester D
Wilfrid Laurier A (Buzzer, 2 scorekeepers, possibly 2 moderators, distance)
Wilfrid Laurier B

Expressed interest but unconfirmed--please confirm soon or at least give me 
a heads up as to what's going on.

Brock (D-II)
Brandeis (Div unknown)
Carleton A (D-II)
Carleton B (D-II)
McMaster B (D-II)
Ottawa C (D-I)
Toronto (Div unknown)
Western Ontario (Div Unknown)

Where are you? The field closes Feb. 4.

For info on accomodations, etc, please see the previous posts/messages.

Finally, a note on the tournament format:

With so many teams still up in the air, we can't really say with much 
certainty what the tournament format will be.

However, assuming that we have four teams in D-I, we have two possibilities: 
A four-time round robin (12 games), followed by two playoff rounds (seed 1 
vs. 4, 2 vs. 3), or a 5-time round robin (15 games) followed by a 1-game 
playoff between the top two teams if their records are close.

In terms of D-II, we may well have more teams in the tournament than would 
allow for a single round robin and tiebreakers; even if we do make end up 
with fewer teams than packets, I'm loath to decide the event based solely on 
round-robin play. Assuming 16 teams, dividing a 16-team field up into two 
groups of 8 and then crossing over doesn't really solve this problem, 
keeping in mind that we need to leave packets over for tiebreakers. With 
that in mind, preferred format suggestions are most welcome, but keep in 
mind that NAQT is only issuing 16 packets this year, not 18.

If there are any other questions, please be in touch.



Andrew Segal
Trivia Club
McGill University

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