Re: Katy WHO?

As Andy Goss noticed, Katy Beebe of the Carleton
quizbowl team was on Jeopardy! yesterday. She ran the
Dickens category and had the lead for awhile, but was out
of the running by Final Jeopardy, and lost all her
money on that because her coach didn't teach her enough
about drinking. (Not knowing the Cuban brand name that
sells the most -- Bacardi.)

Katy's roommate
Cheryl Klein, perhaps better known to quizbowlers far
and wide, as a four-year member of Carleton's "A"
team, was in Los Angeles taping Jeopardy! this week.
Her show or shows (can't say) airs (or begins) July

The three of us went to a Jeopardy! contestant thingy
at the Mall of America last November, and all got
into the contestant pool. So I'm the only one of us
who hasn't gotten the call. (As I understand it, they
are done taping for the current season now and will
start again in July. A person stays in the pool for a
year before needing to requalify.)


P.S. In re "Pride and Prejudice" being "an alleged
chick book," -- maybe there are guys dull enough to be
so dismissive, but I'd sure hate to have to spend
any time in their company. Hopefully quizbowlers
would not be so foolish!

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