Re: IM tournaments

Having participated in IM tournaments in three
different roles (player, organizer, volunteer moderator),
I've seen how different schools run such events (note:
all were CBI, so you may want to do it different with
NAQT questions).

 At GW, we did some
advertising for our CBI IM's (postering the campus, Internet
ads), but the most teams we ever got for a tourney was
6-7. The only players who showed up were typically
those who had come to practice at least once before the
IM, which was usually held in early December.

At Montclair State and Susquehanna - who only play
CBI - the IM's were more like a campus event. At MSU
they had 16 teams, a sandwich buffet (!) and TV's
airing videos of J! and the year CBI Nationals aired on
the Disney Channel. At Susquehanna, there were about
12 teams, and each player and volunteer got a coupon
for a free lunch for participating.

 As was
noted by others, frats and sororities are a good source
for players for large-scale IM tourneys (this was
especially the case at MSU and SU). You may also want to
send feelers to other student groups who may be
interested in fielding a team.

 You may also want to
check with, say, Student Activities, to have the IM
catered with soft drinks and light snacks (free food is a
good lure for players :) ).

 Just my .03


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