ANNOUNCEMENT: St. Louis Open II...

Hi, all.
This is another announcement
regarding the St. Louis Open II: The Bhan-Einstein
Condensate, an open ACF tournament to be held at Washington
University in St. Louis on Saturday, October 28, 2000. No
packet submission is required for this tournament as I
am writing all the questions. There is also a
separate division for 1st- and 2nd-year players with
separate awards for them. I will also be playing
matchmaker for those that wish to play but don't have teams.
This tournament will kick ass and take names.

The fees are as follows:
Base Fee:
-$5 per buzzer system
-$10 per competent game
official (determined by me)
-$15 for traveling over 400
miles one way (determined by Yahoo!)
+$20 for the
purchase of questions
+$50 for insolence
Fee: $55

The field thusfar:
State (2)
St. Thomas (1)
Chicago (1)
White, et al. (1)
Oklahoma (2)
Kentucky (2)
Illinois (1-2)
Wisconsin (1)

There are still spots available, so just drop me an
e-mail at rsbhan_at_... if you're interested in
playing or have any questions. Also, if you're interested
in playing in TADD Bowl, a singles tournament
written by several Wash. U. Academic Team members to be
held that same weekend, please send an e-mail to WUAT
Vice President Cheryl Barkauskas at
Hope to see you all next month.
S. Bhan
Washington University Academic

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