NAQT IFT packets [No spoilers]

Just adding my $0.02 to the discussion.

was largely satisfied with the packets being used.
The questions were pretty much ideal with respect to
numbers of clues, tossup lengths, brevity of bonus
lead-ins, and those other factors which can make timed
packets difficult to moderate.

Admittedly, there
were some questions that had me scratching my head,
but those were thankfully few and far between.

On the other hand, there were two points of concern
which I think need to be


[1] There were a distressingly large number of typos,
incorrectly spelled words, and grammatical errors. I
understand that there are a large number of packets being
written in a relatively short amount of time, but the
errors were largely of the sort that could easily be
caught using a word processor's "flagging"

[2] Not all of the packets were of "standard" length.
At least three rounds were missing a 28th tossup;
several rounds also lacked a 26th bonus. Unfortunately,
these exceptions also occurred when the matches were
close, and the reasonably expected 28th tossup was
nowhere to be found, necessitating the finding of an
additional tossup which was "blind" to both

NAQT rules clearly state that at Sectionals and
Nationals, the game runs for 18 minutes or until 28 tossups
are heard. Since the IFT's are essentially the same
as the SCT's and ICT's, there is no reason why every
IFT packet should not also be 28/26.


Now that I've made my peace, I'd like to

congratulate to Princeton A on its well-deserved win at the
IFT, and for all the Div I teams who somehow managed
to survive repeated exposure to my moderating.


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