Re: Results?: CU Ron Loomis Pre-Regional

For those who have any interest whatsoever, here
are team and individual stats from this weekend's
RLP. (You know, these would look a whole lot better if
Yahoo allowed for HTML formatting.):

Wins	Losses
Rochester B*	7	2
Rochester A	7	2
CMU	 3	6
1	8

* Rochester B went 2-1 against Rochester A to claim

Player	Team	TU	Int	Pts	Games	PPG
Brian	Cornell	19	5	165	4	41.25
Zak	Rochester A	39	6	360	9	40.00
George	Rochester
B	31	2	300	9	33.33
Nick	Rochester
B	23	2	220	9	24.44
Jason	CMU	21	7	175	9	19.44
Mike	Rochester
B	20	6	170	9	18.89
Shayon	CMU	17	1	165	9	18.33
Ben	Rochester
A	23	15	155	9	17.22
Paul	CMU	19	10	140	9	15.56
Ryan	Cornell	16	4	140	9	15.56
Albert	Cornell	14	3	125	9	13.89
Anne	Rochester B	9	0	90	9	10.00
Zander	Rochester
A	10	3	85	9	9.44
Mike	CMU	6	0	60	9	6.67
George	Rochester A	0	0	0	5	0.00

So, yes, Rochester B ended
up winning the tournament and everyone seemed to
enjoy the event. 

Jason A. Keller
Cornell AQO
Treasurer and Stats Monkey

BTW, regarding the four
teams thing, didn't Washington (Seattle) hold a 4-team
NAQT SCT last year and run something like a triple or
quad round robin?

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