CP3/GW Summer QB Pentathlon pt. 2

CP3 will use the following rules. These
rules are subject to change at any moment up to the
point when the tournament begins:

- All rounds
will use 20 tossups in regular play
- A correct
answer on a tossup question will be worth 20 points; an
incorrect interruption will be penalized by 10 points; an
incorrect non-interruption 
will carry no penalty. There
are no power tossups.
- There will be no
- Nonverbal, nonsubstantive conferring is allowed
at all points
- A correct answer on a tossup
entitles the answering team to a bonus question
- All
boni shall be worth a total of 60 points; detailed
rules on boni will come below
- Answers will be
given after the conclusion of each bonus part
- Boni
will "bounce back" to the non-answering team; if the
team answering the tossup does not correctly answer a
given part of a bonus, that bonus 
part bounces to
the other team, who have an opportunity to answer it
for a "steal"
- "Stolen" bonus points are worth
half the point value, rounded down, announced in the
- In each round, each team receives one "lame;"
using this lame allows them to skip a bonus and use the
next one in the pack. The lame may be invoked at any
up to including when the moderator requests
the answer to the first part of the question.
- If
the answering team lames a bonus, then the
non-answering team may ask for that bonus to be theirs the next
time they score a tossup. (rule 
adapted from
UPitt's Ironhead Invitational 2001)
- The Bag of
Chips: In submitting a packet, a team may, at its
discretion, include in as many boni as it wants one part
above and beyond the 
point-scoring content of the
question. This part shall be unreasonably hard, and begins
with the phrase "for all that and a bag of chips";
this section 
of the question only comes into play
if the team has singlehandedly scored all the
available points on the bonus; it is itself worth no
points, but 
correctly answering a Bag of Chips is
noted on the scoresheet and a running total is kept
throughout the tournament. (Adapted from the Bag of Chips

rule at Dartmouth's 2001 trash tournament)

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