Re: Very brief D2K1 comments

As the main pack editor for D2K1, I went back to
see what other sports tossups were included in the
original incarnation of the packet (we asked for 25 and
only used 21 per round). I found that there was a
tossup on Hermann Maier that I had cut. In retrospect, I
should have probably included it in the packet simply
because it was short on sports. I elected not to,
however, because I thought it was a little too easy (and
how many current male skiers can you name?) and there
were several well written questions in the packet
(even if they were not to everyone's liking).

apologize for this packet causing the problems it seems to
have. One problem on my behalf was that, due to the
fact that the scheduler was unable to come up until
the morning of, I did not know which packets were
going to be used when until about two hours before the
tournament started, when I was worried about other things.
This probably should not have been the packet for the
final round and this is a mistake on my

In any case, I'm glad that everyone seemed to have a
good time. I'd love to hear any comments anyone had,
either through the messageboard or e-mail. Especially
because this is the first time Dartmouth has done
something like this since Tim Young was

Who wishes he could have played the match game, but
who even more wishes that he could have played Mmmph!

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