ACF Regionals Southeast: team results

Due to two late cancellations, the schedule for
ACF Regionals Southeast shifted on the fly from a
two-bracket, 13-round tournament to a full round robin of 15
rounds. (Professional scheduler on closed course. Do not
attempt.) Results after the round robin were:

Name: Win-Loss / Points / Opp Pts / Diff/GM
A : 14 - 1 / 4070 / 1245 / 188.33
Vanderbilt A :
13 - 2 / 4480 / 1300 / 212.00
Emory A : 13 - 2 /
3455 / 1285 / 144.67
Florida State : 13 - 2 / 3700
/ 1260 / 162.67
South Carolina : 11 - 4 / 2905 /
1630 / 85.00
Berry : 11 - 4 / 2865 / 1535 /
Tennessee : 9 - 6 / 2170 / 1795 / 25.00
Univ. of the
South : 7 - 8 / 955 / 2225 / -84.67
Florida B : 7 -
8 / 1570 / 1895 / -21.67
Tennessee Tech : 6 - 9
/ 1240 / 2095 / -57.00
Emory B : 6 - 9 / 1500 /
2110 / -40.67
MTSU A : 3 - 12 / 540 / 2655 /
Oxford : 3 - 12 / 685 / 2485 / -120.00
UTC : 2 - 13 /
410 / 2605 / -146.33
Vanderbilt B : 2 - 13 / 590 /
2495 / -127.00
MTSU B : 0 - 15 / 110 / 2630 /

We had established that, due to limits on both time
and packet availability, playoffs would be held only
to break a tie by record for a trophy position.
Florida A thus won outright. (Again, congratulations to
Florida for sweeping the region -- winning NAQT, CBCI,
ACF, and even TRASH.) We were left with the dreaded
three-way circle of death for 2nd/3rd/4th. By mutual
agreement, we resolved this with the help of twenty tossups
and a ten-player buzzer. We held a tiebreaker with
all three teams playing at once (Florida State was a
one-person team.) In the tiebreaker, Florida State took 2nd;
Vanderbilt A was 3rd, Emory A 4th. 
Individual stats will
follow anon.

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