Penn Bowl 12: changes and comments (part 1)

At the moment, Penn Bowl 12 (subtitle coming) will most likely be
held on Friday and Saturday, 24-25 January 2003.

There are some things that will definitely be changed from last year, 
and some that may or may not change. I will start with the more
minor, and hence more definite changes, in this post.

[1] Post-RR trash round.

Last year, even despite some major snafus (such as losing an entire 
bracket's worth of stats around lunch on Saturday), we still managed 
to have all the prelim stats--team *and* individual--done less than
an hour after the prelims ended. I am hoping to come as close to 
real-time as a tournament this large can run.

Even if things are running perfectly, there will almost inevitably be 
at least a 30-minute delay between the end of the round robin and the 
start of the playoffs. Therefore, my goal is to have an optional
trash round available for immediately after the RR for those people 
who are interested in playing another game rather than sitting around 
and waiting for stats.

[2] No submissions of 5-10-15s.

Last year, we received over *one hundred* 5-10-15s (including one 
packet that had 10 of 36); we used no more than 30 or so. The vast 
majority of the submitted 5-10-15s, moreover, tended to be of the
easy 5/medium 10/hard-to-impossible 15 variety; the net result of
this is lower scores and an artificial raising of difficulty.

Therefore, given that the difficulty is still somewhat higher than we 
have aimed for, all three-answer boni for PB12 must be submitted as 
3x10s. The decision as to which boni merit being converted into 
5-10-15s (there *will* be some 5-10-15s, but no more than one or two 
per packet) will be made during editing.


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