Chicago Open Update

Hello All,

Sorry for the delay in getting out an update - I've just gotten back 
into town in the last week and I'm getting caught up on a few things. 
I'll repost the initial tournament announcement after this, but 
here's some basics.  The Chicago Open is a masters level modified ACF 
tournament to be held on Saturday, July 27.  The questions will all 
be written by me.  In addition there will be a singles tournament 
written by Roger Bhan that will be mirrored the Sunday afterwards.  
If I have at least 12 interested people by July 20th, I'll organize a 
mirror of Berkeley's Science tournament sometime during the weekend 
as well (Right now I have 4 interested parties). 

Here's where I stand on confirmed teams:

- Freeburg and co.
- Bhan and co.
- Berdichevsky and co.
- Hillemann and co.
- Iowa State people
- Hairboy and co.
- Illinois alums

If I've forgotten anyone, I'm sorry and please let me know.

(To these teams: I'll be sending out some details after the holiday 

There are 3 other maybes at this point, and there might be a Chicago 
house team as well.  In addition, I'd be happy to match free agents 
(I have two at this point) looking for teams or interested in forming 
a team of their own. You can e-mail me at suby10_at_... or 
subash_at_... if you're interested in registering, looking for 
a team, or just want to help out (I'm paying for help this year and 
could probably use a couple of more people)

I have 15 quality rounds so I'd love to get some more teams.  It's a 
fun weekend and I've had good results the past two years, so you 
should come out to Chicago if you're free.

As for the singles tournament - I have about 17-20 interested 
parties, who I'm sure will have a great time on some sure to be 
promising Raj Bhan offerings.

Again e-mail me at suby10_at_... or subash_at_... if you 
have any questions


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