Sam Stahler

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Sam Stahler
Noted subjects Ween
Current college Ohio State (2018-2022)
Stats HDWhite • NAQT

Sam Stahler was a player and frequent tournament director for Ohio State. Despite many staffing and logistics accomplishments, Stahler is perhaps best known for his insufferable adoration of the band Ween, a fact that he made sure all Ohio State players and tournament-goers were aware of. Stahler would answer either 'Ween' or 'balls' in a tournament anytime a tossup got to the end of the question. He would blast Ween throughout the hallways of tournaments during lunch. When running practices, he would often jettison reading academic packets in lieu of reading a single Ween tossup he wrote in his freshman year over and over. This obsession went as far as him trying to convince the state of Ohio to make September 'Ween month.'

Today, Stahler spends his days working at a local library, looking through returned books and crossing out words that don't appear in songs on Ween's album The Mollusk.