Announcement - 2004 Chicago Open

This is a preliminary announcement for the 2004 Chicago Open, which
will take place on Saturday, July 10 on the campus of the University
of Chicago.  I had initially planned on making this a packet
submission tournament to cut down on the work I would have to do, but
I'm now afraid that I'll get a bunch of packets within two weeks of
the tournament, which won't save me any time.  So, I haven't decided
yet what to do, but I'll clarify by May 1.  At this point I'm leaning
to one question deadline about a month before the tournament, give
people a flat discount for that, and then not accept any packets
afterwards.  Regardless of what happens, I do plan on decreasing the
overall difficulty from last year.  Actually let me clarify that - the
tossups will certainly be more gettable, but the bonuses will probably
stay where they were.  

I'll announce fees once I work out what I want to do with the questions.

As in year's past this tournament is open to anyone who wants to play.
 If you need help finding a team e-mail me (my address will appear at
the bottom), and I'll do my best to set you up with someone.  For
those who are not familiar with the tournament,  I'll say this, you'll
get to play on some choice ACF questions (with 1/1 trash each round)
against some immensely challenging competition.

At this point, I may have a singles tournament set up for Sunday, July
11, but that's not set.  I hope to have that ironed out in the next
few weeks.  If it falls through, then I'm open to requests for any
tournaments that people would want to run.  

I'm also hoping to mirror this tournament on both coasts, as has been
done in previous years.

So, if you have any questions, e-mail me at - 

suby10 at yahoo dot com

Hope to see some of you this summer, 


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