Re: PB10: Packets in the chat room

Samer said:

In addition, as an educational
opportunity, I will present "Penn Bowl: The Unexpurgated
Version", questions that we did NOT use at Penn Bowl 10
this year, for various reasons. [As this is not meant
to attack anyone in particular, authors of the
questions will not be divulged. The point of this is to
give examples of things people should avoid when
writing questions.]

If teams want to see examples
of how not to run a tournament, and how to squander
more packets than any other TD could possibly dream to
work with, all they have to do is think back to Penn
Bowl 10. Maybe Penn shouldn't attempt to hold a
64-team tournament if they don't have the sufficient
resources to do so, instead of churning out the same
inferior product year after year. Sheer inertia and the
opportunity to see teams from different areas of the country
are the only reasons many teams come back. At least
we got a nice break from playing during the great
packet mixup after being hurried through a half-hour
lunch on Saturday. If Penn had put half as much time
into editing the questions as they did in making
computer graphics and pretty typesetting, maybe it would
have been a good tournament. Our team only got through
15-16 questions in several rounds because the the
questions weren't edited properly for a timed tournament -
too much unnecessary verbiage and long bonus intros.
At least in an untimed format, you're guaranteed to
get through 20 tossups and bonuses. But, hey, it's
penn bowl, so no one expects a decent product anymore.

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