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A tournament held in December 1998 and December 1999, by the well-meaning but ill-informed Midlothian High School team, located in the southern suburbs of Richmond. The team's coach, a government teacher at the school, bought packets from Questions Unlimited but replaced the final tossup round of each packet with exclusively current events questions written by himself, often themed within each round. For example, in the 1998 finals, the game ended with ten consecutive tossups about US-Iraqi relations, while in the 1999 prelims, one game ended with ten consecutive tossups about Republican presidental hopefuls.

The 1998 tournament featured Robert E. Lee defeating Maggie Walker in the finals on the strength of Lee captain Kevin Druff's impressive knowledge of Iraqi politics. The 1999 tournament saw Maggie Walker defeat Mills Godwin in the final, but not before encountering a Chip Beall tossup which asked, "Give any one of the names which Milton used to refer to Freud in Paradise Lost," leading to Matt Weiner buzzing in and delivering a long speech about the shortcomings of Chip Beall questions that began with "okay, here's the thing...." He did not receive any points for this answer.