Em Gunter

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Em Gunter
Noted subjects Science and China
Current college Virginia (2021-Present)
High school Salem (2017-2021)
HSQB profile meebles127
Stats HDWhite • NAQT

Em Gunter is a former student at Salem High School and president of the school's quizbowl team. She began playing quizbowl during her freshman year of high school. In 2020, she scaled back her involvement as a player and dedicated more of her time to tournament direction and outreach. She will be attending the University of Virginia beginning in the fall of 2021.

Em's contributions to quizbowl include her Guide to High School Outreach and her guide to selecting a buzzer system. She also wrote a vanity packet centered around the 1980 US Olympic hockey team entitled "The Herb Brooks Memorial Packet".

At the beginning of April 2020, in response to the cancellation of the 2020 ICT, she and Will Alston organized the Internet Charity Tournament, a weekend of vanity packet readings with charitable donations directed towards the CDC Foundation. In June 2020 she spoke at the David Riley Coaches Conference, where she spoke about outreach to under-represented populations and hosting quizbowl tournaments during the COVID-19 pandemic. In December 2020 she organized and directed the 2020 edition of Festivus, introducing a schedule for the first time, and collecting donations for Partners in Health to support frontline healthcare workers.

In 2021, she won the Benjamin Cooper Young Ambassador Award for her extraordinary commitment to outreach, both on a local level in central Virginia and on a national level by writing articles on outreach and helping tournament directors handle online logistics in the age of COVID-19.

Benjamin Cooper Young Ambassador Award
Preceded by
Succeeded by
Ashish Kumbhardare