Oklahoma State

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Oklahoma State
Stillwater, OK
Current President or Coach Forrest Tuschhoff
National championships none
NAQT Page link

Oklahoma State University is located in Stillwater, Oklahoma. Their quizbowl team was founded in 2002, and competes in events across the south, including in Oklahoma, Texas, and Missouri, most notably attending ICT in 2006, 2007, and 2012. While the team's tournament attendance has been spotty and inconsistent in recent years, it has served as an established host of high school events in the state. In 2003, Oklahoma State began hosting the L. L. Lewis Cup, a regular-season high school event named for former university president L. L. Lewis, the last iteration of which was held in 2019. Additionally, from 2005 to 2015, OSU also hosted the NAQT Oklahoma State Championship, serving as the first hosts of the event after its split from the University of Oklahoma's Boren Cup.

Former members