Stevenson Memorial Tournament

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Stevenson Memorial Tournament
Competition season 2017-2018
School(s) None
Head editor(s) Jordan Brownstein
Difficulty College regular-minus
First mirror November 11, 2017
Announcement link
Packets link

SMT (or Stevenson Memorial Tournament) was a collegiate regular-minus difficulty tournament for spring 2018. The tournament was head-edited by Jordan Brownstein, with subject editors Ewan MacAulay, Kai Smith, and Anderson Wang. It was largely written by students from Stevenson high school, including Young Fenimore Lee, Olivia Lamberti, Deepak Moparthi, Conrad Oberhaus, Govind Prabhakar, and Ali Saeed, with contributions from EMT writers Charles Hang and Jacob O'Rourke.

SMT had modified eligibility rules that required graduate students to receive permission to play and allowed high school teams to play alongside collegiate teams. Several of the mirrors received permission to allow chimera high school teams as well, which drew criticism from individuals like Naveed Chowdhury.

The content of the set was well-received.